In a place where flowers grow

(Ps: A continuation of “a beautiful sketch”)

In a place where flowers grow,

Is where you find yourself after countless times of going back and forth.

In a temperature that is already so low,

You muster up all your courage to just go.

It’s the place where you have seen your favourite sketch come to life,

First black and white, and then filled with lively colours,

You tell yourself, okay this is enough, i’ll be content even if, only my eyes that could devour

Your cowardly courageous heart, seeks for more

And You already know where to go.

It’s that place where flowers grow.

On the highlands, a slow and long walk where the resistance

was your own wind of ego and the coldness you feel out of fear,

But it was worth it because everytime you come to visit, a smile forms from ear to ear

So heartwarming that you barely feel the the coldness,

So amusing, that you don’t care about the wind.

It’s a place where flowers grow,

And as I spend more time familiarizing,

It becomes more and more mesmerizing,

And Now I don’t want to ever go.

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